Wednesday 16 December 2015

The fourth day of bookmas!

On the fourth day of bookmas my true love gave to me, 4 cozy reads...

The first book I chose was Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer. It is about a girl called Delilah who can't stop reading a certain fairy tale. One day, she finds out that the main character, Oliver, can speak to her, and that he wants her to help him escape the book. If you haven't read this, then you should, because it is so fun, and I could read it over and over!

The next book is Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella. I wrote a review about this a few months ago, so I don't need to say much about it. Although it is about a serious topic, the author found a way to make it really light-hearted, and it is definitely a cozy read for me! :)

My third choice is actually a series - The confessions of Georgia Nicolson. I have lent out the first book in this series so I just chose a random one to use in the photo. This is a really funny series, and one that you definitely shouldn't take too seriously. Georgia is probably one of the most unrealistic characters, but in a way, that makes it so much more fun to read. 

Finally, I chose Every Day by David Levithan. Although this book deals with some pretty heavy topics, such as suicide and racism, I loved this book, and read it in one sitting. It's about A, who wakes up in a different person's body every day. A has a strict rule that he/she must never grow attached to anyone, or anything, as he/she will never stay in the same place for more than 24 hours. I think the reason that it's such a quick read is because of the fact that they are in a different body every day, with a different life, and different problems.

This one was actually quite easy for me - I just chose books that I would rereadover and over again XD 

9 days 'till christmas! :D :D

~ Chey xxx

Tuesday 15 December 2015

The third day of bookmas!

On the third day of bookmas my true love gave to me, three best friends...

The first friendship I chose was between Jace and Alec from The Mortal Instruments series. If you have read this series then you will certainly understand why this is my first choice. They have such a funny relationship, and although they go through so much, they always pull through and remain best friends. Most of my favourite scenes from this series are between these two!

 The second friendship I chose was between Katniss and Rue... do I really need to say much more? :'(

The final friendship is a slightly controversial one. Not so much the friendship, but the book; I will not go into this now, however I may make a post about it in future. Im talking about Penny and Elliot from Girl Online, by Zoe Sugg. They have such a lovely relationship, and to be honest, I think it may have been my favourite part of this book.

This one was also quite hard, as I have a terrible memory, and couldn't think of many of the friendships in the books I have read... I know thats bad, but I can't help it, OK? XD

I hope you are enjoying this series so far!

~ Chey xxx

Monday 14 December 2015

The second day of bookmas!

On the second day of bookmas my true love gave to me, 2 awful endings:

The first book I chose was Paper Towns by John Green. I was so excited to start reading this, because I had heard so many good things about it, and I really enjoyed The Fault in our Stars. I was very disappointed. I felt like the book was dragged out for WAY too long, and I think the only bit I enjoyed about this book was the road trip. It was incredibly slow paced, and so once I finished reading it, and found out what happened at the end, I almost wished that I hadn't bothered in the first place. I'm definitely not saying you shouldn't read it, because so many people loved this book, it just wasn't for me.

The last book I chose was Night World by L.J.Smith - Secret Vampire in particular. I bought this book because I really liked her other series, The Morganville Vampires. I had also read a free sample of the book, and it seemed pretty good. I was wrong. I thought the writing was terrible, and the characters were completely unrealistic. It was made even worse by the fact that I refused to give up on it, and decided to read the whole thing. Even though it is only 195 pages long, it dragged on so much, and I ended up in a HUGE reading slump afterwards.

This one was actually quite hard for me, as I tend to really like the books I read- I guess I must just be really lucky; I know so many people who have a whole list of books they don't like! I realise that I also kind of cheated, because these are books that I didn't like, rather than books with bad endings, but as i said, it was so hard to find even two books I didn't like!

11 days 'till christmas!

~ Chey xxx

Sunday 13 December 2015

The first day of bookmas!


OK, so maybe I didn't stick to what I said in my previous post, so I have decided to make up for it by doing 12 days of bookmas, which was originally created by Hailey at HailsHeartsNyc on youtube. Although this was originally intended for booktubers, I am going to try to do it on my blog,as I think it is a great idea! Today is the 13th of December, so obviously I have attempted (and failed!) at doing the first challenge:

On the first day of bookmas, my true love gave to me, a beautiful bookmas tree!

Sorry for the terrible picture - I lost the lead to my camera, and so had to take the picture on my phone :S

I really hope to stick to this challenge, because it sounds so fun!

~ Chey xxx

Monday 9 November 2015

Ugh exams... :(


I am so sorry that I haven't written a post for the past week, I said that I would try to write a post every week, but that just isn't possible at the moment. I have my mock exams at the beginning of next month, and so I don't have much time at all for reading... :'( It's horrible! I promise that I will try to write posts more often after I finish my exams, but I honestly did choose the wrong time to make a blog didn't I XD Maybe I will write a few short posts every now and then, until I have a bit more time :) I know for sure that I want to carry on with this blog, it just won't be very consistent at the moment.

~ Chey xxxxx

Sunday 1 November 2015

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella


I loved this book! I read it in one sitting, and I don't think I stopped smiling once. Although it is about a serious topic, Sophie Kinsella wrote this story in a way that made it lighthearted and funny. The characters were all so likeable and unique, and I don't think there was ever a point that I didn't like one of them. 

This story follows a 14 year old girl called Audrey, who has a severe case of anxiety. In fact, it's so bad that she can't leave the house, and has to wear sunglasses all the time. (So she doesn't have to make eye contact) She can only speak to her family, and Dr Sarah. This is until she meets Linus, her brothers gaming friend. He starts to slowly help her get more and more confident in getting out of the house, and speaking to people other than those she is comfortable with.

The book is written as if audrey is talking to you. This gives you a good insight into what she is thinking at certain points in the book, especially when she has her anxiety attacks. Although this may not be a completely accurate representation of what a person with anxiety feels, I found it really interesting to see the way Audrey reacted to different people and situations throughout the book.  By knowing what she is thinking and feeling, you can see when she starts to improve, or go downhill, even when she doesn't see it herself.

You never actually learn what happened in her old school that caused Audrey's anxiety, all you are told is that 3 girls in her year were expelled for what happened. I feel like it was almost as if I didn't want to know. Like it's something that she doesn't want to share, and I was OK with that.

It made me realise that the simple things, like looking someone in the eye and talking to them, or even going to Starbucks, are the hardest things in the world for some people.

I hope that this review encourages anyone reading this go and try it out themselves, because it is a really great book. :)

~ Chey xxxxx

Friday 30 October 2015



My name is Chey, and incase you haven't guessed already, I love reading. On this blog I hope to post book reviews, book hauls*, and other book-related things- kind of like booktube, but in a blog. As I said in the 'About me' page, I probably won't be able to post too regularly, as i'm in the middle of my GCSE's (aargh!) But I aim to post once a week. (Don't hold me to that!) 

* I probably won't post a book haul for a while, because i'm on a book buying ban - we will see how long that lasts ;) 

Chey xxxxx