Sunday 17 January 2016

How I read a series


Just a short post for today, but I said in my 2016 reading goals post that I was going to talk about how I read book series.

I have never read only one book in a series, and then moved onto something else. It's for probably the same reason why I only ever read one book at a time. I have a terrible memory, and i'm pretty sure many people can relate to this, but I always feel like if I read more than one book at a time, or read different books between a series, I am going to completely forget what the other book is about, or get them mixed up or something that will confuse me. I know this probably won't happen, but for some reason, this doesn't change my mind. 

I have only ever marathoned series, which is super annoying, because it means that if a series is incomplete, and still has a few more books that haven't been published yet, I can't read them and have to wait a few years until the whole series is available to read. It is also incredibly annoying if the series I am reading has many books, as I will either lose interest, or find another book that I want to read. This clashes with the fact that I HATE not finishing books and series. 

I have decided this year that I am going to try to change that, which is why in my latest post, I said I was going to read books like Throne of Glass, and Red queen. I feel like this will give me a much wider range of books that I can read, and so I reeeaalllly hope that I succeed in doing this.

Please tell me in the comments if you are the same as me, it would be great to know I am not the only one XD

~ Chey xxx

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